How to solve the slow feeding of vibrating feeder

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1. The inclination of the chute is not enough

Solution: Adjust the installation angle. Select the fixed position for raising/lowering both ends of the feeder according to site conditions.

2. The angle between the eccentric blocks at both ends of the vibration motor is inconsistent

Solution: Adjust by checking whether the two vibration motors are consistent.

3. The vibration direction of the vibration motor is the same

Solution: It is necessary to adjust the wiring of any one of the vibration motors to ensure that the two motors run in the opposite direction, and to ensure that the vibration track of the vibration feeder is a straight line.

4. The excitation force of the vibration motor is not enough

Solution: It can be adjusted by adjusting the position of the eccentric block (the adjustment of the exciting force is realized by adjusting the phase of the eccentric block, one of the two eccentric blocks is fixed and the other is movable, and the bolts of the movable eccentric block can be loosened. When the phases of the eccentric blocks are coincident, the excitation force is the largest and decreases in turn; during adjustment, the phases of the eccentric blocks of the same group of motors should be consistent).

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