Natural sand 47 yuan/ton, coarse sand 23 yuan, price of sand is rising!

Date: May. 15, 2021

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Date: May. 15, 2021 Chat Line Send Inquiry

According to the Price Monitoring Bureau of the Development and Reform Commission of Liaoning Province, in 2021, with the strict implementation of various national environmental protection policies and the increasing market demand for building and decoration materials, the demand for sand and gravel in Anshan and Liaoyang is rising, and the price of sand and gravel has risen steadily and slightly.

1. Market price monitoring

According to surveys and monitoring, the province has entered the construction season after the spring. The operating rate of various construction sites has increased compared with before. The shipment of downstream mixing stations has increased. The demand for sand and gravel by construction companies has improved to a certain extent. However, due to the recent rainfall in the province, the weather has cooled down. Frequent occurrence has affected the construction progress to a certain extent, the demand for sand and gravel has recovered slowly, and the price of sand and gravel has shown a steady and slight increase.

Machine made sand in a sand washing plant


In the price of sand and gravel in Liaoyang this month, the price of fine sand is 23 yuan/ton, the price of coarse sand is 23 yuan/ton, the price of gravel is 19 yuan/ton, and the price of natural sand is 47 yuan/ton. The price is the same as the previous month. Than flat. Sand washing machine can produce high-quality sand and gravel .

Sand and gravel varieties Specification grade Price (Shipping fee not included)
Medium-fine sand price Mechanism Particle size 0.2-0.5 mm 23 yuan per ton
Coarse sand price Mechanism Particle size 1-3 mm 23 yuan per ton
Gravel price Particle size 10-30 mm 19 yuan per ton
Natural sand price 47 yuan per ton

2. Market supply and demand

At present, the weather in the province is picking up, and the construction of various projects is in the recovery stage, but the progress is relatively slow. The demand for sand and gravel from construction and production enterprises has increased compared with the previous period, and the price of sand and gravel has risen slightly.

3. The expected impact of the market on prices

Generally speaking, as the weather gradually warms up and various engineering projects enter the peak construction season, the demand for sand and gravel will increase significantly; on the other hand, affected by environmental protection policies, some sand and gravel mining enterprises will be shut down or rectified. As the supply of stone decreases, the price of sand and gravel will show an upward trend.


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